Our Services

We offer full representation for family law cases filed in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties, California. This is the traditional “model” of representation in which we represent you in every aspect of your divorce from initial filing through judgment on all issues as well as post-judgment matters. This includes judgments of dissolution (decrees of divorce), child custody and visitation orders, and child and spousal support (also known as maintenance and alimony) modifications, domestic violence restraining orders, and property division.
Limited Scope RepresentationFor those on a budget, California family law allows family law attorneys to make limited appearances on behalf of a client. Clients now have the option of retaining a family law attorney to appear at a single hearing (or any continuance of that hearing) or to represent a client on any discrete issue (e.g., child custody, pension benefits, restraining orders) but no other issues. This means that, except for the specific task or issue(s) set out in the Notice of Limited Scope Representation form (FL-950), the client represents himself or herself on all other issues.
Borderline Personality Disorder ConsultingWe regularly receive phone calls from across the United States (and the world) seeking help with Borderline Personality Disorder cases. These calls come from the non-Borderline Personality Disorder spouse, the “new” spouse or significant other of the non-Borderline Personality Disorder (divorcing or divorced) spouse, attorneys and psychologists. We have received the most flattering and sincere accolades from these consultations and are consistently told, “It’s the best money I ever spent on my divorce.”
Needless to say, these are emotionally rewarding interactions for us, too.
MediationMediation is a welcome respite for us from the agonies of family law litigation and we welcome clients who are able to cooperatively divorce. It is the rare couple who is able to distinguish between the distinct processes of separating emotionally and separating their lives. Please call us if you are among this distinguished minority.
Second OpinionsFrequently we received calls from clients who are not sure if their current family law attorney is doing the right thing and they want a second opinion. We are happy to address this need. Although a significant percentage of second opinion consultations are related to Borderline Personality Disorder cases, many others are from clients who, for whatever reason, do not trust or do not believe what is happening to them. Their questions are often couched in terms of doubt and disbelief.
Getting a second opinion from a disinterested attorney often allows a client to move forward with clarity and confidence.
Working with Local CounselFrom time to time we work closely with a client’s “local” counsel. This happens when, for geographical reasons, we cannot represent a client in court but the client needs specialized knowledge about Borderline Personality Disorder. This special arrangement requires local counsel who is ready, willing and able to work with outside counsel.